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Tasting and Sommelier Pu'er Tea Course 

Guaranteed Satisfaction

Tea is a life-long study journey, pu-erh tea is definitely a life-long accompany. 


Since academic Tea Science may lack of the aesthetics of Tea Art,  while traditional Tea Art may be short of the specialty of Tea Science, we try to find the balance here.


To taste pu-erh tea is a changeable procedure, we need to understand its history by tasting it now, and analyze its possible future as well, therefore, we are able to gain an objective and dialectical result.


“Tea is Chinese national drinkings, and pu-erh is top famous one.” Yunnan is the origin of the world tea trees and the hometown of pu-erh tea. Since the beginning of 2021, let’s continue our tea journey, taste pu-erh tea, discover the charms of Yunnan tea. Hope you are ready!


These serious courses are designed for overseas students or tea traders. Through this course, you are expected to learn the processing, regions, terroir of puerh tea and other Yunnan teas, master the practical skill of brewing methods, build your tea supply chain and enlarge your social circle in China by practicing social tea skills.


After finish the course, you may attend the exam. Only the ones pass the exam will get the completion certification and the possibility of a part-time job.


Important Information 重要的信息

School Fee Including: 

 -- a set of 24 pcs of sample tea (values 300USD ) &Traning tea wears;

 -- all the online video - lessons;
-- Part-time opportunity online

-- Free shipping of tea samples and tea wares.

-- Free retraining



 -- 一套价值300美元的样品茶;

 -- 所有在线的视频课时

 -- 线上兼职的机会

 -- 全球免费快递
-- 免费复训

Excluding: Accommodation(extra charged if needed), travel, insurance. Please note that we don’t offer a visa service.
费用不包括:食宿(需要提供食宿,费用另计), 差旅,保险。请注意,目前本工作室无法提供签证服务。

Class time: Seasonly

- Weekday Class:  3:00 PM - 6:30 PM, each Wednesday

- Weekend Class:  3:00 PM - 6:30 PM,  each Saturday



-- 周三班,下午:3:00 - 6:30

-- 周六班,下午:3:00 - 6:30 


Teaching Lanugage: English


Study Material: Provided

Class Location:

-- Online: Zoom

-- Offline: Xiongda Tea Market, Kunming 


-- 线上:Zoom

-- 线下:雄达茶城

Certification: Certification of Completion 

Click the link to book this course now!



CONTENT &Schedule 教学大纲&课时安排

Week 1st

Lesson 1. Profile and Requirements of This Course茶艺师研修班学习概述,课程内容和要求

Lesson 2. The Top Ten Chinese Famous Tea 十大名茶赏析

Lesson 3. Ancient Tea Manner and Minorities Customs 中国古代礼仪、各国各民族饮茶习俗及禁忌

Lesson 4. Tea in other countries 海外茶文化


Week 2nd

Lesson 5. General Introduction of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的概要

Lesson 6. Classification and Main Processing of Pu-erh 普洱茶的分类和工艺

Lesson 7. Ripe Pu-erh and Piling普洱茶熟茶的渥堆发酵

Lesson 8. 4S Sensory Tasting&Evaluation 普洱茶品饮与鉴赏(4S品鉴法)


Week 3nd

The Practice of Tasting Pu-erh Tea



Week 4th

Lesson 9. The Terroir of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的产区及风土

Lesson 10. The Ancient Tea Horse Road 茶马古道

Lesson 11. The Brewing Skills of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的冲泡技巧之水篇(上)

Lesson 12. The Brewing Skills of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的冲泡技巧之器篇(下)


Week 5th

Lesson 13. The History of Pu-erh Tea Ⅰ 普洱茶叶的历史(上)

Lesson 14. The History of Pu-erh Tea Ⅱ 普洱茶叶的历史(下)

Lesson 15. Xishuangbanna Regin and Pu-erh Tea 西双版纳及普洱茶

Lesson 16. Historic Antique Tea 从号级茶到印级茶


Week 6th

The Practice of Tasting Pu-erh Tea from Bannan



Week 7th

Lesson 17. The Rumor of Pu-erh 普洱茶的流言

Lesson 18. Pu’er Regin&Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶区及普洱茶

Lesson 19. Jingmai Ancient Mountain&Pu-erh Tea 景迈古茶山及普洱茶

Lesson 20. Wine Label& Designing of Pu-erh Packaging 葡萄酒酒标&普洱茶包装设计


Week 8th

Lesson 21. The Legends of Pu-erh 普洱茶典故

Lesson 22. Lincang Regin&Pu-erh Tea 临沧茶区及普洱茶

Lesson 24. Yunnan Black Tea 滇红篇

Lesson 23. Yunnan white tea 云南白茶


Week 9th

The Practice of Tasting Pu-erh Tea from Pu'er and Lincang



Week 10th

Lesson 25.Tea Meditation 茶冥想

Lesson 26. Designing of Tea Table Setting 茶席设计

Lesson 27 Tea Manners茶艺师基本礼仪

Lesson 28. Tea Business Sales Terms 销售术语


Week 11th

Lesson 29.  Food Pairing Wine&Tea 配餐茶与配餐酒

Lesson 30. Chinese&West table manner 中西餐桌礼仪

Lesson 31. Dialogue Wine and Tea 对话葡萄酒与普洱茶(上)

Lesson 32. Dialogue Wine and Tea 对话葡萄酒与普洱茶(下)


Week 12th

The Practice of Tasting Old Pu-erh Tea 



Lessons in Practice 


a. Brewing practice of pu-erh tea 普洱茶的冲泡技巧

b. Tasting of pu-erh tea from different origins/aging years/warehouse各大产区/不同年份/仓库的普洱茶的品鉴

c. Tasting of Yunnan black tea 滇红茶的品鉴

d. Tasting of Yunnan white tea 云南白茶的品鉴

e. Design of tea setting 茶席设计

f. Tea meditation 茶冥想


PS: The advanced course is based on the senior course,  then 7 days tea tour study in April


Lesson 1 General Introduction 介绍.jpg
TEA ART1.jpg
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