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Mandarin Learning about Long Jing Tea

Hey, everyone, welcome to Mandarin Learning from Discovering Cha again, 欢迎来到找茶学汉语. Do you still remember the lovely stories about long jing and Qian Long emperor, and Hu Pao Fountain. You must hear of Long Jing tea very often, but do you know what kind of tea it is? What’s the processing? And if there are any necessities to brew a wonderful cup of Long Jing tea? Let’s find them out! 龙井,属于绿茶类,是我国的第一名茶,产于杭州西湖的狮峰、龙井、五云山、虎跑一带,以 “色绿、香郁、味醇、形美” 著称于世。外形光扁平直,色翠略黄似糙米色,滋味甘鲜醇和,香气幽雅清高,汤色碧绿黄莹;叶底细嫩成朵。 lóng jǐng ,shǔ yú lǜ chá lèi,shì wǒ guó de dì yī míng chá ,chǎn yú háng zhōu xī hú de shī fēng 、lóng jǐng 、wǔ yún shān 、hǔ pǎo yī dài ,yǐ “sè lǜ 、xiāng yù 、wèi chún 、xíng měi ” zhù chēng yú shì 。wài xíng guāng biǎn píng zhí ,sè cuì luè huáng sì cāo mǐ sè ,zī wèi gān xiān chún hé ,xiāng qì yōu yǎ qīng gāo ,tāng sè bì lǜ huáng yíng ;yè dǐ xì nèn chéng duǒ 。

龙井茶的基本加工工艺为:采青--摊青--杀青(青锅)--揉捻--做型干燥(辉锅)。主要的手法要领抖、搭、拓、捺、甩、抓、推、磨、压、荡、扣、扎。 lóng jǐng chá de jī běn jiā gōng gōng yì wéi :cǎi qīng --tān qīng --shā qīng (qīng guō )--róu niǎn --zuò xíng gàn zào (huī guō )。zhǔ yào de shǒu fǎ yào lǐng wéi dǒu 、dā 、tuò 、nà 、shuǎi 、zhuā 、tuī 、mó 、yā 、dàng 、kòu 、zhā 。 冲泡龙井首选玻璃杯,这样不仅便于观赏汤色,也易于欣赏冲泡时茶叶在杯中翩翩起舞的优美茶姿。水温80-85℃为宜,常在水烧沸后,通过换杯,起到凉汤降温的作用。冲泡时采用凤凰三点头的手法,尽情展现龙井三起三落的优美茶舞。 chōng pào lóng jǐng shǒu xuǎn bō lí bēi ,zhè yàng bú jǐn biàn yú guān shǎng tāng sè ,yě yì yú xīn shǎng chōng pào shí chá yè zài bēi zhōng piān piān qǐ wǔ de yōu měi chá zī 。shuǐ wēn 80-85℃wéi yí ,cháng zài shuǐ shāo fèi hòu ,tōng guò huàn bēi ,qǐ dào liáng tāng jiàng wēn de zuò yòng 。chōng pào shí cǎi yòng fèng huáng sān diǎn tóu de shǒu fǎ ,jìn qíng zhǎn xiàn lóng jǐng sān qǐ sān luò de yōu měi chá wǔ 。 Vocabularies: 1 采青[cǎi qīng]:青means fresh tea leaves, and 采means pick or pluck. 2 摊青[tān qīng]:or 萎凋, means withering, to loose some water before further processing, especially in early spring; and meanwhile loose partial grass smell. 3 杀青[shā qīng]:Literally means to kill green. Fixation, using high temperature to destroy or stop further biochemical reaction which caused by enzymes. 4 揉捻[róu niǎn]:Rolling 5 凤凰三点头[Fèng huáng sān diǎn tóu]: It is a method to brew green tea during tea ceremony, showing your respect by making 3 bows, meanwhile guests are able to appreciate the tea dance in cups. Xi Hu Long Jing is the most famous tea in China, originates from Shi Feng, Long Jing, Wu Yun Mountain, Hu Pao area Hang Zhou City, and well-known for its green color, high and pleasant aroma, mellow taste and pretty shape. Long Jing is flat and straight, green mixed with lightly yellow like brown rice. It tastes mellow and sweet, with high and sharp fragrance, infusion is bright yellow green , infused leaves are beautiful like flowers.

(Mabol@Kunming, Oct, 25, 2016)

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